Facts of life Member affairs


Good news from the Mayaux family! New addition to the Angels team! Katya was born on the 5th August. 3,2 kg and 50 cm. Congratulations to Véronique and Dimitri. We wish you all the best 🙂

Facts of life Player info


As some of you might know, Dimitri turned 40!!! last Monday. Some of us met with him on Wednesday after the game to celebrate 🙂
He has know joined the growing number of members above 40!

Dimitri at 40Dimitri

AngelsJonathan presenting Dimitri a voucher for a new racket.

Some Angels enjoying some food and wine.

[composed and posted with ecto]

Facts of life Info

A new Willame

Congratulations to Patrick and his wife on the birth of their daughter 🙂
UPDATE: Her name is Morane; weight: 3,7 kg and height: 54,5 cm!