Food and Drink Squash Word from the President

Season Opening Dinner 2009/2010

Asian Dinner

The Season Opening Dinner was last night, and I must say a very successful one! Many thanks to the Masset family for organising and letting the Angels taste some home made Asian food! It was delicious! Pictures (thanks to Romana) are in the Gallery.

The new season will be upon us very soon. The captain’s meeting is next week, where the schedule and the usual stuff will be presented to the clubs. The season is expected to start mid-October, so now is the time to get going and to dust off your rackets. That is if your a male member 🙂 Our female members are already working hard to be in shape for the start of the season.

Some of us will be at Top Squash on Friday night (25 Sep) to see if we still remember which end of the racket is used to hit the ball with. Feel free to join in!

Word from the President

Jill has joined the technical committee of the Federation

I’m happy to announce that Jill Streitz, one of our courageous female players, has agreed to join the technical committee of the Luxembourgish Squash Federation. She will represent our interests in the Committee and obviously try to make a difference for the female squash players in Luxembourg.

Food and Drink Member affairs

Dinner at Chez Rafael

Excellent evening with good food and great company! Pictures will be uploaded shortly! Next up on the agenda is the AGM and the annual barbecue. Dates are still being discussed, but we will let you know.
Update: photos are in the Gallery.

Relayed info Tournaments

Ettelbruck Squash Open 2009

From Marcel regarding the annual Ettelbruck squash tournament:


the Ettelbruck Squash Club is proud to announce the hosting of the


Where? Ettelbruck, Luxembourg

When? Friday 6 and Saturday 7 February 2009
Times? Friday: from 7pm to 11pm, Saturday: from 10am to 8pm

Categories? all playing levels

Entry fee? 20 €, includes big bath-towel

Entry form? just send a mail to

More info?

last entry: Tuesday, 3 February

All Players will be required to mark/ref after their match

I hope that you’re interested in coming, and that you can help spread the word!

Thanks in advance,

Marcel Kramer
Squash Club Ettelbruck”

Relayed info

Ettelbruck Squash Open 2008

Info from our fellow squash club Ettelbruck:ETTELBRUCK SQUASH OPEN
Where? Ettelbruck, Luxembourg
When? Friday 18th and Saturday 19th of April 2008
Times? Friday: from 7pm to 11pm and Saturday: from 10am to 8pm
Categories? Men A (600 € prizemoney€), men B/C, men C/D and … Ladies (but this depends on the number of entries!!
Entry fee? 20€, includes t-shirt
Entry form?
More info?
All players will be required to mark/ref after their match


Angels Squash Open 2008 – 8th and 9th Feb 2008

It is time for the annual Angels Squash Open again.

Venue: Top Squash
Date: 8th and 9th February 2008
Start time: 18.30 Friday / 11.00 Saturday
Entry fee: 20 EUR incl. Saturday Buffet Lunch
Categories: A/B, C/D & Ladies

To enter please send an e-mail with your name,
contact number and FLSR ranking to

Alternatively, you can sign up directly at Top Squash.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Invitation 2008

Player info

Arlon tournament the 5 & 6 October 2007

Arlon organises a squash tournament for all levels on the aforementioned dates. You are encouraged to participate. It would be good practice for the championship!

More information at their web site: